God is a God of love,
But that doesn't mean he's easy to understand.
We don't know why He takes away
Those most precious to us
When it seems we need them most.
Why, when some sad old man coughs in pain through his later years,
Does God take our rosy, healthy child
Run over by a car.
But faith clings on
And knows our God is good.
He is greater than our reasoning
He knows the final good
Which will see us saying in amazement
"So that is why,
I could never have dreamed such a purpose could be
In my limited human thinking
God is good,
God is love.
I see it all now."
But we are still here in time
And must trust where we cannot see.
And the tears must flow
And the anguish tear our hearts,
As we struggle with the pain and loss
And slowly move from day to day
Uncertain how to face the grief,
Stepping forward into a different life,
Without the beloved one.
But that doesn't mean he's easy to understand.
We don't know why He takes away
Those most precious to us
When it seems we need them most.
Why, when some sad old man coughs in pain through his later years,
Does God take our rosy, healthy child
Run over by a car.
But faith clings on
And knows our God is good.
He is greater than our reasoning
He knows the final good
Which will see us saying in amazement
"So that is why,
I could never have dreamed such a purpose could be
In my limited human thinking
God is good,
God is love.
I see it all now."
But we are still here in time
And must trust where we cannot see.
And the tears must flow
And the anguish tear our hearts,
As we struggle with the pain and loss
And slowly move from day to day
Uncertain how to face the grief,
Stepping forward into a different life,
Without the beloved one.