Friday, June 29, 2012

you will...

You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved, and you will never understand what pain really is until you have lost it.    

Friday, June 15, 2012

the unspoken...

The Unspoken Honesty

I saw that glowing sun
Under which leaves fell
Your smile embraced me
My heart turned to you

Time is such a lovely thing
It brings joy
It brings pain
And we grow in between

In the crossroad we gazed
Just a while but I had your hands in mine
But there were words
The unspoken beauty

We met and said goodbye
You are so far, I realized
Don’t cry or sorry,
I feel blessed that you were here

Time is such a dear thing, don't you think?
It brings strangers close, you and me
Up to this distance
heartbeat can't cheat

I thank you for the warmth
I need it for tomorrow's winter
Though you won't be here to hear me say
The unspoken honesty

Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012


Love can never be so beautiful without friendship... One leads to another and the process 
is irreversible... The best of lovers is first, the greatest of friends.
When you love someone, don't expect that person to love you back the same amount; one
of you will be ahead, the other behind. It's either you catch up or the other waits. 
Never be afraid to fall in love... it may hurt a lot; it may give you aches and pains, but if
you don't follow your heart, in the end you will cry even more bitterly for not having 
given love a chance.
Don't be afraid of rejection, for rejection is part of the process of finding your Kindred
Spirit; rejection is the dues everyone pays for membership in the human race. Better it is
that you find out about incompatabilities early-on, than to discover them later, when the 
relationship is complicated with things that have nothing to do with your feelings for
that person. The universal truth is that when a door closes, another door, or a window 
opens. Falling in Love is not something you can plan; but it is something you can be 
prepared for.
Love is not a feeling; it's a decision and a commitment. Feelings come and go. Love doesn't 
have to have a happy ending, because love doesn't have to end at all. True love hears
what is not spoken and understands what is not explained, for love doesn't work in the 
mouth, nor the mind, but in the heart... Love knows the unknowable, understands the 
incomprehensible, and endures the unendurable.
The Greeks have names for the four different kinds of love, and you'd be wise to know 
them and their definitions.
When you love, you must not expect anything in return, for if you do, you're not loving 
but investing. If you love, you must prepare to accept both happiness and pain, for if you 
expect only happiness, you're not loving but using... It's better to lose your pride with 
someone you love, rather than lose someone you love with your useless pride. 
How can I say goodbye to someone I never had? Why do tears fall for someone who was 
never mine? Why is it that I miss someone who I was never with? and I ask why I love 
someone whose love was never mine? It's hard for two people to love each other when
they live in two different worlds... but when these two worlds collide and become one, 
that's what you call....... magic! 
Don't love a person like a flower, because a flower dies in season. Love them like a river 
because a river flows forever... Love may seduce you, and then leave your heart like 
shattered glass, but keep in mind that there's someone who really loves you, and who is 
willing to endure the pain of picking up the pieces so you can be whole again.